Page 4 - AnnualReview2013

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From the
Chairman of
the Board of
The academic year is almost over with internal and external ex-
amination only days away, and Graduation Celebrations being
organised. The benefits from the hard work of both our stu-
dents and staff, and the support of parents, can be seen in the
excellent results attained in last summer’s external examination,
which reached a 98% pass rate in both A Level and AS level.
Despite the stiff competition for entry to the UK’s top universi-
ties, our students secured places at many prestigious destina-
tions such as Oxbridge, Queen Mary, UCL, Imperial, Warwick,
King’s College London and a number of others. It is also note-
worthy that eight of our students were accepted on the highly
competitive course of Medicine at various UK Universities.
The Board’s congratulations goes out to all those involved in the
above results, and in maintaining the high standard of achieve-
ment which is expected from the students of our School.
Life at the English School concentrates not only on the aca-
demics, but also on ensuring that our students are offered a
wide range of cultural, scientific and sporting activities in which
they can participate both within and outside school hours. Our
students have this year again demonstrated their excellent skills
and talents – to name a few, these were demonstrated in Tal-
ent Night, Christmas and Spring Concerts, our annual School
Plays, Sports events, MEDIMUN, and many others, for which the
students’ and staff’s hard work is greatly appreciated.
Regarding our campus, this year saw the completion of the re-
pairs to our amphitheatre which was an initiative of Year 3 stu-
dents with the assistance of members of ESPA. We are now in
the happy position of being able put to good use this excellent
location for school events, as it was in the past. Unfortunately
the financial difficulties faced by all has also affected our School
and its plans, particularly the new Newham Building which was
to be funded by the Government and has now been postponed.
All those who are leaving take with them our best wishes and, I
am sure, fond memories of their friends and teachers the Eng-
lish School. We are confident that the School has provided them
well with academic support and has also guided them towards
becoming democratic and informed global citizens in order to
make their School, their parents, and themselves, proud.
To those of you who are staying, on behalf of the Board of Man-
agement, I wish you all a successful and fulfilling year ahead.
Antonis Valanides,
Chairman of the Board
of Management
annual report 2013:Layout 1 20/06/2013 15:47 Page 4