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The Headmaster ‘s Message
So, amazingly, we come to the end of another aca-
demic year and look forward to the welcome fur-
lough of summer. By now, most of the examinations
have been sat and families now only have the re-
sults to look forward to. I hope that August brings
everyone the news they have been hoping for and
that outcomes in terms of further learning destina-
tions prove fruitful and rewarding.
No less amazing is that this administration is now at an end, though it
seems like only a few minutes since it began! I should like to thank
pupils with whom I have worked for the rewarding experiences they
have provided and their openness to the influence of a new school
leader. If I ampermitted, I should like to bid an especially fond farewell
to those I have been lucky enough to teach, the several student leaders
with whom I have worked and those with whom I have conspired in cre-
ating school plays. I should like to thank the many parents in the school
community who have offered their support and, above all, I should like
to thank my splendid colleagues, both teaching and non-teaching, on
the staff, who have always provided a rich vein of wisdom and dedica-
tion to their duties. The school is blessed indeed to have such teachers
and I hope many friendships forged will survive the test of time and the
many currents that blow between Mediterranean shores and rather
more frigid coasts bordering on the North Sea.
The English School continues to be a remarkable educational jewel. I
am proud to have served it for a little time and far richer for the expe-
rience. May the school and its community continue to prosper in the
years ahead.
Gaudeamus igitur
Iuvenes dum sumus
Non sibi sed scholae!
Graham Gamble, Nicosia, January 2012 – June 2014
25th March Commemoration
Ms Marlilena Rouana from the
Diplomatic Office of the Republic
addressing the School for the
25th March Commemoration.
Xenia Kantouna of Year 5 deliver-
ing the message from the Minis-
ter of Education on the occasion
of the 25th March commemora-
The English School on Parade led
by Mr. Sisou
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