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Every pre-adolescent person has dreamed
of a high school club like “Glee”. yes, every-
one, even the punk rock hipsters who snarl
at you whenever you break into a solo of
“Don’t Stop Believing”. I should know be-
cause I am one of those hipsters. luckily
enough there will always be a teacher who
makes a high school experience like that
happen. In the English School’s case, it is
Mrs Tellalis.
Every year the senior choir produces some-
thing extraordinary that always makes
members of the audience, including myself,
burst into tears. This year’s musical was no
exception. The medlee used the Tv series
“Glee” to tie together the world’s most
belovedmusicals: “wicked”, “Thewizard of
oz”, “west Side Story”, “hairspray” and
“Mamma Mia”. The medley was great fun to
watch and preparing for it was even more
Behind the glamour of the actual perform-
ance was a lot of hard work, but the great
thing with music and the choir is that the
hard work and seriousness is intertwined
with all the laughing and jokes. of course,
as every member of the senior choir knows,
in these performances there is always a lot
of chaos: running up and down, changing
costumes, checking the mics, preparing the
lines. God forbid the entire process of get-
ting Emmanuel, the boy who played Tracy’s
mother in “hairspray”, all dolled up in his
fat suit, dress, make-up and an impressive
pair of hoop earrings.
Experiences like this can only bring tal-
ented young individuals closer together
and their strong friendship almost glowed
from the whole finishing act. People really
need to have strong bonds in order to pull
of hating each other because of racial con-
flicts while snapping their fingers in
rhythm, and if you did not understand that
joke then you need to find some way to
watch the medley’s performance of “west
Side Story”. It was also a good opportunity
for the younger members just entering the
senior choir to bond with its old members.
There are no words to describe how special
the performance was for me and how every
note stays in my heart. The fact that half of
the people are leaving to enter the real
world just makes me even more sentimen-
tal. I can only say that I don’t think that they
could have done a better job with it. It was
absolutely flawless.
Ilaeira Agrotou Georgiou, 3R
Canon 5.2 final.qxp_Layout 1 15/07/2014 12:41 Page 22