Page 17 - AnnualReview2013

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Alkionides Youth Charity Members helping out
with food collection for needy families
7 pastoral parents evenings, one for each Year during which the Headmaster and
the Pastoral Team addressed the parents and talked on themes like communica-
tion, learning styles, preparation for exams etc. The informal chat over a glass of
wine that followed the presentations proved a very effective means of strengthen-
ing the professional relationship between home and school. The four Intervention
meetings that were held during the year proved effective and gave opportunities
for more communication with those parents whose children might have been re-
ferred by the various Departments to the Pastoral Team because of academic / per-
sonal difficulties. We felt that the parents were pleased with the process of receiving
feedback from intervention meetings in the form of letters / meetings / phone calls.
This, together with the Review Days, strengthened our home-school partnership.
We had our second celebration evening last June which was a good opportunity to
reward Years 1 to 3 students (in the presence of their parents , the Head master
and the Pastoral team). We rewarded non academic areas e.g. excellent attendance,
service to the school. A cocktail followed the ceremony giving one more opportu-
nity for team building among the members of the school community.
On behalf of the Pastoral Team I would like to thank the parents who have cooper-
ated with us this year for the wellbeing of our students/children. We look forward
to continuing the professional partnership and developing it with a shared vision:
the success and happiness of our young people.
Best Wishes for happy summer holidays.
annual report 2013:Layout 1 20/06/2013 15:49 Page 17