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Farewel l to Mr. Sisou
How have things changed through the years?
The number of students in 1976 was 620 and now it is 1140, whereas the
number of teachers was 40 and is now 120. In 1976 there were 3 Senior
Teachers, whereas now there are 5 Senior Teachers as well as a Deputy
head Teacher.
Another observation is that there has always been a lot of interest in the
school for the same two reasons: for the high academic standards of the
school and for the sporting opportunities of all levels that are on offer
for the students.
Another issue that we face is the fact that there are currently so many
students at the school, that we sometimes find it difficult to accommodate
all of them during Afternoon Games. In 1976, supervision for Afternoon
Games was undertaken by various members of staff, whereas now the PE
Department provides specialist coaches for each activity.
Any memories you would like to share, of best moments at the school?
For my first 13 years at the school, the School Athletics Team won 1st
Place in the Nicosia Schools Athletics and finished in the top 3 in the Pan-
cyprian Athletics Competition. Also, our Basketball Teams had numerous
successes in the Nicosia and the Pancyprian Schools Competitions. This
was due to the fact that students in those years considered it an honour
to represent their School. Some of our top athletes over the years repre-
sented the school in the Panhellenic and the world Games.
In the first years that I was at the School, there was an annual Greek night
and I was involved in teaching various Greek dances that the students
I am retiring from the English School with a strong sense of pride and ac-
complishment, having completed 38 years of service. I am also very
happy that I will keep in touch with the School since my son is currently
a teacher at the School. I am confident that one day, I will be back to serve
the English School from a different post.
Do you have any suggestions for the future?
I would like to see Afternoon Games continue since this is part of the tra-
dition of the School and it provides opportunities for all students to par-
ticipate. however, the school should offer more support to the P.E.
Department, so that Afternoon Games can be maintained. Students
should realise that they have a responsibility towards the school and its
traditions and they should give priority to school sport over their clubs.
They should be reminded that sport is deeply rooted in the tradition of
the English School and the philosophy of the Founder and that sport is
also a strong factor that sets the English School apart from other private
and public schools. This is something that should be preserved.
Sport helps young people develop physically as well as mentally and so-
cially and it is essential for a healthy, active and balanced lifestyle. It
teaches young people discipline and respect for others, it provides equal-
ity of opportunity and it promotes cooperation, teamwork and friend-
ship. It also helps students build a stronger character.
Do you have any tips or wishes for the next Head of Department?
I think that it is important for the PE Department to function within the
philosophy of the Founder of the English School and to continue the
sporting traditions of the school. I would like to advise the next head of
the PE Department to pass the message to the students regarding the nu-
merous benefits of sport that last a lifetime: friendship, equality of op-
portunity, cooperation, teamwork, fair play, sportsmanship and respect
towards others. In addition, I would like to advise all the PE teachers that
cooperation, respect and democracy between them is essential. I am
certain that Mr Papaioannou, who is an old boy of the school, will succeed
in his new post since he has many years of experience as a teacher at the
school and he has shown his belief in the philosophy of the Founder.
As we say farewell to Mr, Sisou, Alexandra Taylor
caught up with him in the last few busy weeks of
school to ask some questions and find out how the
school has changed over the last four decades....
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