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with the initiative of the Cyprus volunteerism Association and
the “we Care we help Club”, two of our year 4 students, Kyri-
akos lykourgos and loukas Phanis, covered two empty walls at
the School for Blind, Nicosia with graffiti.
Members of the Senior Choir took part in the 2nd Annual Choir workshop and festival organised by the Ministry of
Education and Culture. Pictured here in the finale with all participating choirs, wearing our characteristically
colourful t shirts!
1w students celebrating 1st April Cyprus National Day
by singing Evagoras Pallikarides songs.
on Saturday 3rd May 2014, the English School Dream Builders
Team, members of the “we Care, we help Club”, renovated the
dining and the living room of a poor single parent family in
Nicosia, using a lot of nuts and bolts, instructions and creativity!
From the “hack Cyprus” event, students focused on the
lecture/ workshop delivered by a guest University
lecturer and learning about one of the latest innova-
tive interactive online applications
Activities and events
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