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Pastoral News and Events
Dear All,
on behalf of the pastoral team we would like to wish
you happy holidays and give you glimpses - in the pho-
tos on these pages - of some of the pastoral work done
since the last Canon was published last term!
Ms. Antigoni Kiliari - Head of Lower School
Mr. Yiannis Georgiou - Head of Upper School
year 1 students during Form Tutor time presenting their projects
on the theme of Freedom.
year 2 students rewarded for the best
anti-smoking project- breakfast and fun activities at ESoBGA club house.
Team Carnival project : Junior students dressed up as characters in books
they have read . Some of them acted out scenes from the books which in-
cluded: harry Potter, vampires’ Diaries, Alice in the wonderland.
Junior students having fun in team sprit- the futsal competitions
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