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Pastoral News and Events
Focus on health
(pictured clockwise
from right)
Dr Bagdadis,
Dr Economou,
Dr Taliadoros, and
Dr Mavromoustakis,
friends of the school,
kindly volunteered
their time to give
presentations to
students from differ-
ent year groups on
male/female health
issues, smoking and
drinking risks
Senior students receive Duke of Edinburgh Award certificates
Below: orientation evenings for new students followed the entrance
exams. The head Teacher, Deputy head and Assistant heads, along with
present junior students made presentationsin the school hall and parents
were led on a tour of the school.
1 white with their head of year and Form Tutor enjoying a team build-
ing activity at the park near the school- their reward for collecting the highest
number of achievement points as a year 1 group
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