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Model United Nations
If you were wondering why so
many young people, in smart
business attire, suddenly de-
scended on the school at 8am on
Friday 9th February, it was for
United Nations conference.
About 230 students, and 30
teachers from 22 schools across
Cyprus and Greece joined us at
the school, for a weekend of life
as a would-be UN diplomat. It
has been eight years since we
last hosted MEDI-M.U.N. at the
school and it was a great oppor-
tunity for other members of the
school community to witness
what it is all about.
We were honoured to welcome
Ms Lisa Buttenheim, a most dis-
tinguished real-life diplomat, as
our opening speaker and our
key-note speaker Mr Iacovos
Christofides who spoke to us
about innovation. To those of
you in the know, there was a cer-
tain ironic twist to his presenta-
tion focus on a particular well-
known brand of writing
implement! We welcomed a
number of distinguished diplo-
mats to our opening ceremony
and many of them joined us for
cocktails in the school library af-
terwards. Other eminent speak-
ers we welcomed during the
Stavros Zenios, from the Univer-
sity of Cyprus, Professor George
Kassinis also from the
University of Cyprus, Ms Yvonne
Featherstone former Senior
Legal Officer for The Hague Yu-
goslavia War Crimes Tribunal,
and Mr Christopher Louise from
UN Development Programme.
It was a fascinating three days
with debate spilling over in to
the corridors, across the lunch
table and continuing into cyber-
space infinity. Friendships were
made, ideas exchanged and chal-
lenged; hallmarks of a successful
conference! All this would not
have been possible without the
hard work and determination of
around 70 student leaders and
organisers, led by Alexia
Michaelides, Secretary-General,
Andreas Mirallias, Deputy- Sec-
retary General, and Katerina
Georgiades, President of the
General Assembly. Finally, the
conference would not have hap-
pened without the long dedi-
cated hours frommy colleagues,
Jim Lodge, Alexandra Souroullas
and Christina Papadopoulos.
Many thanks to all who made it
long live MEDI-M.U.N. 2015!
Ursula Pantelides
whole group photograph
at the main entrance of the
English School
opening speaker
Ms. Lisa Buttenheim,
opening ceremony in the
School Hall
Below left:
Secretary General
Alexia Michaelides,
Deputy Secretary General
Andreas Mirallais,
President of the
General Assembly
Katerina Georgiades
Below right:
Delegates pictured with
Mr. Lodge
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