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When we arrived at the Novotel Hotel in The Hague it
was already packed with hundreds of students who
came from different parts of the world. It was both ex-
citing and frightening for we knew that these students
were probably the finest and most competitive young
debaters and speakers in the world. Little did we know
that this trip would turn up to be one of the best mem-
ories and experiences we've ever had.
During the week our programme was filled with con-
ferences, in which we had the opportunity to engage
in discussions and debates of wide-ranging topics,
most of which addressed pressing matters that mainly
had to do with the environment, the economy and the
law. Our suspicion that we would encounter great
speakers was justified once the conferences began. We
got to meet students spanning Ireland, America, China
and the Middle East, standing up at the podium and
dominating the debates. These were young debaters
who aspired to become presidents or prime ministers
of their country or maybe important figures like Nel-
son Mandela. They were an inspiration to us not only
towards becoming better debaters, speakers and peo-
ple but also in working to improve the world in which
we live. Ideas kept flowing throughout the debate keeping us stimulated and not once did we feel unenthusiastic.
Nevertheless, this trip was also an opportunity to appreciate The Hague. We didn't miss out on excursions in the city, which is characterized
by its quaint historical streets. Long walks in small streets in the town centre were part of our everyday routine and we enjoyed every part
of it. We regularly went out with students we had met at the conference and the differences between our nationality and culture were the
highlights of our discussions.
The things we learned and extracted from this conference are of great value. We learned to cooperate, we improved our debating skills
and we certainly came back with more ideas. Most importantly some of us made friends for life.
Myrto Colocassides
Top left - right Xenia Kantouna, Stephanos Charalambous, Mehmet Gosku, Philip Hadjimarkou, Christina Agrotis, Panayiotis Laouris and teacher Yiannis Tsingos.
Bottom left - right Teacher Sylvana Jamgochian, Ermes Morroni, Margarita Taliadorou, Marianna Lordou, Myrto Stavrikkou, Myrto Colokassides, Maria Aristocleous, Maria Christodoulou
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