Nicosia's Senior Boys Basketball Team Triumphs in Regional Competition, Sets Sights on National Championship

20 Dec. 2023

Senior Boys Basketball Team
Senior Boys Basketball Team
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In a thrilling conclusion to the Nicosia Senior Boys Schools Basketball Competition, our Senior Boys Basketball Team emerged victorious in the final match against the formidable Sports School Kykkou B Lyceum. 

Our team, showcasing a blend of skill and determination, clinched the win with a close scoreline of 51-49, securing a commendable second place in the tournament.

The victory marks a significant milestone for the team, advancing to the prestigious Pancyprian Senior Boys Schools Basketball Competition. Scheduled to commence in early February, this tournament brings together the top 8 school basketball teams across Cyprus, setting the stage for high-level competition and sportsmanship.

Team Spotlight: A Diverse Ensemble of Talent
The team's success is attributed to the diverse talents of its members, including Gorman Zharko Ted, Constantinou Glafkos, Mannaris Dimitris, Marnelos Giorgos, Rossos Stavros, Milios Michalis, Zodiatis Louis, Savashaskan Aziz Fuat, Zodiatis Louis, Akari Altay, Milinkovic Savvas, Sofianos Orestis, Veletinas Alexandros, Herodotou Orestis, Giannakou Ioannis, and Heraklides Nicolas. Each player has contributed uniquely to the team's dynamic, demonstrating both individual skill and a strong sense of team unity.

Coaching Excellence
The team's achievements also reflect the exceptional guidance of their coaches - Andy Ioannou, Andreas Sizopoulos, and Michalis Arvanitis. Their expertise and strategic approach have been pivotal in navigating the team through challenging matches and preparing them for the demands of higher-level competition.

Looking Forward
As the team prepares for the Pancyprian Senior Boys Schools Basketball Competition, there is a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation. The players are training rigorously, refining their strategies and skills to face the best teams in Cyprus.

The local community and school are rallying behind their team, proud of their achievements and supportive of their journey ahead. This upcoming tournament is more than just a competition; it's a testament to the dedication, teamwork, and sportsmanship that define the spirit of school sports.

Stay tuned for updates on the team's progress and insights into their preparations. 

Contact Information: Mr Andreas Ioannou, 22799343
Follow Us:TheEnglishSchoolNicosia



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