Triumphant Finish: Our Senior (3 on 3) Boys Basketball Team Takes 3rd Place in Nicosia Competition!

01 Dec. 2023

Our Senior (3 on 3) Boys Basketball Team Takes 3rd Place in Nicosia Competition!
Our Senior (3 on 3) Boys Basketball Team Takes 3rd Place in Nicosia Competition!
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We are thrilled to announce the remarkable success of our Senior (3 on 3) Boys Basketball Team in the fiercely contested Nicosia Private Senior Boys Basketball 3 on 3 Competition. With great pride, we celebrate their well-deserved 3rd place finish, achieved through unwavering dedication, skill, and teamwork.

Our team, consisting of the following outstanding members, showcased their exceptional talents and sportsmanship throughout the competition:

  • Matsis Andreas
  • Tornaritis Georgios
  • Rossos Stavros
  • Zodiatis Louis
  • Milinkovic Savvas
Their commitment to excellence and their relentless pursuit of victory have not only brought honor to our school but have also served as an inspiration to us all.

We extend our thanks to our dedicated coaches, Mr. Andy Ioannou and Mr. Andreas Sizopoulos, for their relentless support, mentorship, and guidance. Their expertise has played a vital role in nurturing our athletes and helping them reach this milestone.

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