Exciting Match Report: English School Girls' Football Team vs Senior School

05 Mar. 2024

The English School Girls' Football Team vs Senior School
The English School Girls' Football Team vs Senior School
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On Monday, March 4th, the English School Girls' Football Team embarked on an exhilarating journey as they faced off against the Senior School in a gripping 7v7 match. The final score stood at 2-5 in favour of the Senior School, but the game was about much more than just the numbers on the scoreboard.

This match was marked by several debut appearances for some of the younger members of our football team, who took to the field for the first time in a competitive setting. Despite the loss, it was a valuable learning experience for these budding players as they gained crucial match exposure and began their journey towards becoming future stars of the English School Girls' Football Team.

Nayia Stephanou showcased her talent with two impressive goals, demonstrating her prowess with well-placed shots. Additionally, Emily Nikolaou and Kyveli Matsi came close to scoring on multiple occasions, showcasing their determination and skill.

The standout feature of the match was the chemistry and link-up play between Nayia and Kyveli, hinting at a promising partnership for the team in the future. It was heartening to witness the teamwork and camaraderie on display, as well as the resilience of our players in the face of a strong opponent.

The match also saw the debut appearances of several Year 1 players, further adding to the excitement and anticipation for the future of the team.

Players who took part in the match included Maria Christodoulou, Nadia Cagnetti, Melissa Uchaner, Stella Anastasi, Alex Coll Gabrielides, Leni Solomou, Nayia Stephanou, Kyveli Matsi, Marielena Neophetou, Emily Nikolaou, Ioanna Anthoulli, and Popi Koumenidis.

While the result may not have gone in our favor, the experience gained and the lessons learned will undoubtedly contribute to the growth and development of the team as they continue their journey in the world of football.

Stay tuned for more updates and exciting matches from the English School Girls' Football Team!

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