PHSCE Year 6 Lecture: Dealing with Stress

16 Oct. 2017

PHSCE Year 6 Lecture - dealing with stress
PHSCE Year 6 Lecture - dealing with stress
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Mr. Matheo Galatis, spoke to our Year 6 students about stress. 

We were honoured to have Mr. Matheo Galatis, Chief Strategist at The Fresh Perspective, come to School on Wednesday 27th September during period 3 and 5 to speak to our Year 6 students about stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed as well as what techniques help to cope with it.

Our students found the lecture very intriguing and could relate to the problems as highlighted by Mr. Galatis.  Some students stayed after the lecture to ask for further information.
We would like to thank Mr. Galatis for volunteering his time to speak to our students and we hope to organize further lectures in the future to tackle some of the important issues faced by our teenagers


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