ESL 2011 Graduate news: George Varnavides

25 Jun. 2017

George Varnavides
George Varnavides
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'Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible'. George Varnavides, ESL 2011 and 2017 MIT graduate

The English School was represented in fine form at the recent MIT graduation ceremony by our very own 2011 graduate, George Varnavides.  George graduated with a double major (2 Bachelor of Science degrees) and a minor. B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, B.S. is Materials Science and Engineering and a minor in Architecture.  George is staying on at MIT for a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering having been awarded the highly competitive President's Graduate Fellowship, full details of which can be found here
The English School will be represented once again, this time at the 2018 MIT graduation ceremony by fellow English school graduate Antonis Michael, ESL 2012.

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