Page 14 - ES MAG 2019
P. 14

Loukia Efthymiou

              How many years have you been teaching at the school and   feel, they express opinions frankly which is all very healthy. They
              what are the biggest changes you have seen in that time?  want to be motivated during the lesson, they need interaction
              I have been teaching at The English School for 29 years, so I  and the use of digital resources to stimulate them. They are more
              have seen several changes during that time. To name just a few  demanding customers so it is very rewarding when we feel we
              obvious ones, we used to write on blackboards with chalk, each  have met their expectations. ES students are also more in touch
              subject teacher used to sell the textbooks to the class during  with the world around them than before as they participate in a
              the  rst lesson of the year and there were no computers in the  vast range of activities where they have understood the impor-
              classrooms. I remember that on the day of my interview, the  tance of contributing to society. I often bump into my ex-students,
              school premises were so quiet, no sign of students anywhere  many of whom have gone on to occupy important positions or
              that I thought the school was closed and I had come on the  are successful in the career path they have chosen and although
              wrong day. Obviously times change and the school has grown  I don’t always remember their names, especially if they graduated
              enormously since then. There was a French department with just  before 2000, I always feel a sense of contentment and pride
              one teacher and Head, Mrs Anne-Marie Constantinides. Together,  because I had the privilege of teaching them.
              we tried to promote language-learning and as students realized
              the importance of being able to communicate in other languages,
              our small department developed into MLD. We can now boast
              of o ering French, Spanish and German and having 9 language

              How do you feel you have changed as a teacher throughout
              your career?
              I believe that embarking on a teaching career in 1985, I used to be
              more anxious and strict and I thought that somehow all students
              in the class should  t into the same mould. Over time, I came to
              understand the individuality of students, how they all have di erent
              learning styles and characters. I grew more tolerant and also learnt
              to enjoy the time spent with them in class much more.

              Do you think it’s true that students have changed in the
              last 2 or 3 decades?
              I feel that students nowadays are less afraid to voice their views.
              They ask if they have queries, they are honest about how they
              Roula Stavrou

              How many years have you been teaching at the school and  are generally lucky at the school because overall our students
              what are the biggest changes you have seen in that time?  appreciate our concern and as they progress through the school
              I have been at the school since 1990 and have seen many changes,  they bond well with the sta .
              new faces and di erent buildings. I have had the opportunity to
              meet new people, colleagues who have played a signi cant role  Do you think it’s true that students have changed in the
              in my life as well as working with a number of di erent head- last 2 or 3 decades?
              masters. During my  rst years here the school was much smaller  Students have changed over the years but they still have their
              which is something that I have missed since everybody knew  individual goals and dreams as well as their concerns. ‘Mobile’
              everybody and there was a strong bond between sta  and  mania sometimes makes it di cult for students to concentrate
              students, it was more like a family. The teachers and headmasters  but parents and teachers need to work on this! It’s wonderful to
              knew all the students by name! There were also many trips, charity  see students becoming more involved in activities and especially
              events and other activities which we all went on allowing us all  in community based projects or charity events. Students have so
              to bond and to have a good time together. Over the years there  many opportunities nowadays which students perhaps didn’t have
              have been numerous changes, some good and some bad! I believe  three decades ago and I hope they will take advantage of these
              that the expansion of the school has made it more complex and  enabling them to become more open minded to new ideas and
              it has lost the strong community feeling it once had. Whatever  challenges which lie ahead.
              the case, I can still remember my  rst days here and it’s di cult
              to comprehend that so many years have gone by.

              How do you feel you have changed as a teacher throughout
              your career?
              As a teacher, I hope I have developed in di erent ways but I
              expect we all change as we grow older and of course alongside
              changes in the curriculum. I believe I have had a good relationship
              with most of my students and it’s very rewarding when ex students
              come up to talk to you. It’s really nice to chat with them again
              and to see what they are doing now. Many of them have also
              sent their children here. It also makes me happy to see many of
              my students coming back as teachers. My role at the school
              was as a teacher but also as a parent and this allowed me to see
              things from another perspective too. My role as a form teacher
              has also been challenging and I will de nitely miss my form group.
              Through this constant daily contact with students I suppose I
              have managed to comprehend some of their worries. I think we
                                                               Roula Stavrou (centre, back) pictured with English department colleagues
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