Page 11 - Brave New World
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        to think beyond the confines of their IGCSE or
        GCE syllabi, as indeed many do. Their future
        presents a ‘brave new world’ of analysing
        increasingly complex problems and seeking
        increasingly innovative solutions: privacy and
        confidentiality in our increasingly data driven
        world; scientific and technological development
        but at what social or environmental cost? a
        myriad of human rights discrimination issues;
        world poverty and conflict. Every day we are
        presented with a heady array of what used to
        be impossible now becoming possible, from
        robotic warfare to re-growing one’s own
        teeth, from ‘intelligent shopping’ to landing on
        Mars, to gene therapy. All this is happening at
        a previously inconceivable speed with the
 As with many famous phrases now   excitement of technological discovery and
 embedded in the English language, the   the tantalising possibility of solutions to
 concept of a ‘brave new world’ comes from   pressing world problems. Yet despite all this
 Shakespeare. Fittingly perhaps, in what is   positivity, technology alone just doesn’t hack
 generally acknowledged as his 1611   it [pun intended.] At a personal level, many of
 valedictory play, The Tempest, Miranda, a   us still search for a deeper sense of fulfilment
 young woman (of impeccable character)   and lack a sense of innate personal happiness.
 speaks these words of hope and enthusiasm   That ‘brave new world’ seems to filter down to
 in the last scene. Previously exiled on a lonely   requiring courage, in the challenges of daily
 island with only her father, Caliban ‘a savage   routine and relationships, simply to survive.
 and deformed slave’, and sundry spirits for   As we know, amassing a string of external
 company, she voices her amazement at   exam qualifications is only a very small part of
 suddenly seeing a human king and host of   becoming a healthy, successful professional
 courtiers. It is a moment of great revelation   and future world citizen. There is emotional
 for her:  intelligence and all the soft skills which make
 O wonder!  a person a kind and thoughtful human being,
 How many goodly creatures   whether in communication with their ‘goodly’
 are there here!  or not so ‘goodly’ fellows. And there is
 How beauteous mankind is!   leadership, to which many of our students
 O brave new world  rightfully aspire. True leadership comes from
 That has such people in it     a wider understanding of the world outside
 ‘The Tempest’ Act V: I lines 182-184  one’s own comfort zone and the resolution to
        speak out when one believes there is injustice.
 Subsequent writers have upended Miranda’s   So this brings me back to the strange light
 rather broad-brush belief in the inherent   streaming through the school one afternoon
 goodness of humanity and used the phrase   two years ago. Was it a supernatural
 ironically, writers such as Jonathan Swift   phenomenon? Well, maybe – why not keep
 (Gulliver’s Travels) and H.G. Wells (A Modern   an open mind? Was it just a trick of light? Well
 Utopia). Aldous Huxley who titled his work of   maybe- there is a scientific explanation for most
 dystopian science fiction Brave New World,   things. And what else? Well maybe it was natural
 had his book banned in Ireland on publication   energy filling the school, reminding each of
 in 1932. Due to its purported ‘offensive   us as a member of this privileged community
 language’, ‘sexually explicit scenes’ and   that we each have a ‘brave new world’ to face,
 ‘insensitivity’, as late as 2011 it was still   and entrusting us with the responsibility to
 ‘among the top 10 books Americans most   lead in its development ethically, courageously
 wanted banned’  . Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’   and compassionately. And make our family, our
 leads us through a genetically engineered   friends and most importantly ourselves,
 future society where technology rules.   proud of having tried.                                                  reflections
 Humans are created through artificial means,
 moulded into a social hierarchy based on
 intelligence and labour function, and kept
 ‘happy’ through a drug called Soma. Needless
 to say, the protagonist who rebels against
 this empty regime, has a tragic and clearly
 ‘unhappy’ end. Many other writers have                                                                        09
 taken this notion of state overturning basic
 human freedoms, in supposed pursuit of a
 utopian society further, not least the great
 Canadian writer of dystopian fiction
 Margaret Atwood. She aptly comments:
 Surely it’s time to look again at Brave New
 World and to examine its arguments for and
 against the totally planned society it describes,
 in which ‘’everybody is happy now.’’ What sort
 of happiness is on offer and what is the price   1. ‘Brave new World among top 10 books Americans
 we might pay to achieve it?  2       most want banned’ Alison Flood in The Guardian,
             12th April 2011
 It is these questions which our current   2. ‘Everybody is happy now’ Margaret Atwood
 students need to consider when taking time         in The Guardian, 17th November 2007
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