Page 12 - Brave New World
P. 12


                                                                LESSON 4
                                                                Actually, we love Games. This year, my office has been sadly empty of
                                                                any last minute visits from desperate students (juniors and seniors!)
                                                                with urgent dental appointments that demand their immediate
                                                                absence – conveniently – from Afternoon Games. Now, students can’t
                                                                wait to get outside and run, play and laugh in the sunshine. Our seniors
                                                                have, moreover, been very keen to play on the impressive new futsal
                                                                pitches during study periods (properly supervised and respecting all
                                                                H+S precautions). Agreed, this isn’t what Afternoon Games normally
                                                                looks like, but the relief seen on their faces after a runabout on the
                                                                futsal pitches left no doubt in our minds how essential physical
                                                                exercise is in terms of mental health.
                               Yiannis Georgiou
                             Senior Assistant Head              LESSON 5
                                                                Listening is an essential life skill. Sometimes we are keen to do the
              HERE COMES                                        right thing and then we also need to remember that taking into
                                                                account student concerns can solve so many problems and at the
                                                                same time that two-way bridge of communication can, in addition,
                       THE SUN                                  allow everyone to understand how decisions are made in the very
                                                                best possible interests of students in getting them to the next stage
                                                                of their education. Communication is key. It hasn’t been easy with the
                                                                cancellation of most public exams in the UK and we have tried to
              THIS IS NOT ANOTHER PIECE ON THE HORRORS OF       address the issue in the fairest and most reasonable way. And in the
              THE COVID-19 EPIDEMIC. ONLY A PASSING REFERENCE   end, we adjusted the Mock schedule, extended study leave and
              TO LOCKDOWNS. NO MENTION OF MASKS OR              proffered advance notice on the ‘Mock’ exams to students as well as
              HANDWASHING. CERTAINLY NO COMMENTS ABOUT          reducing content while at the same time ensuring the integrity of our
              ONLINE LEARNING (HA!). AVOIDING AT ALL COSTS      system of assessment, confident in the knowledge that the exam
              ANYTHING RELATED TO THE WORD OF THE YEAR:         boards, if they come knocking on our door to ascertain the rigour of
              SOCIAL-DISTANCING. NOW WE HAVE THAT OUT OF        our procedures and to see the evidence of the high achievements of
                                                                our class of 2021, will not leave disappointed.
              HAS REALLY BEEN ABOUT. LET’S CALL IT LESSONS      And so with lessons learned, we now can, at long last, see the end of
              FROM THE EDGE OF CALAMITY.                        the fierce winter of discontent: Here comes the sun. It’s been a long,
              We have witnessed many developments in the world in the last few   cold lonely winter. Here comes the sun. The smiles returning to the
              months. We have observed how society reacts when there is a real   faces. Here comes the sun. The ice is slowly melting. Here comes the
              crisis, such as upgrading our Wi-Fi packages, supporting the surge in   sun. George Harrison – The Beatles.
              the profitability of online delivery apps, and we have seen how   Play it loud.
              priorities still get upended when everyone knows that education on
              the school site, in real classrooms, is more important for young
              people than opening up cafes and restaurants. But enough.

              LESSON 1
              We need human contact. Never has the need to see and speak with
              other human beings face to face been so apparent than in these
              times of forced incarceration (AKA ‘lockdown’). Here I will mention the
              magnificent efforts of our Student Leaders who, together with the
              hardy members of the Student Council, have laboured so valiantly to
         student voice  sore. Congratulations to them all for being so devoted in their
              bring the community together in ways aiming to overcome the cold
              and distant highways of cyber that left each one of us eye and neck
              contributions to the wellbeing of all. And what an amazing day it was
              to see our senior students trooping into school back in February with
              smiles on their faces to, yes, sit a diagnostic assessment. The frisson
              of joy and relief to see each other, face to face, was felt by literally
              everyone on that first Monday.
              LESSON 2
              We now value healthy eating and keeping fit. Once thought of as
              something we remember to do every spring before the summer
              heat, we are naturally drawn to a balanced diet and any opportunity
     10       to get out of the house and walk or run, or even swim for some of us.
              Let’s see if we can maintain this penchant for fruit and fibre with the
              assistance of our valued school canteen!
              LESSON 3
              It’s ok. Students can now openly admit it. Coming to school is really
              great. They love school. Without exaggeration and in all seriousness,
              students have missed their classmates, their teachers and even the
              school buildings. After what has seemed like a long dark winter, our
              young people are blinking their eyes into the rising sun and slowly
              readjusting to a process of recovery and re-connection. Especially the                               Simoni Stefanou 3B
              case with our Years 1-3 who have been held captive by an invisible
              gate keeper for far too long. Hopefully, when this article is published,
              we will all indeed be waking up from a truly awful nightmare.
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