Page 14 - I have a dream
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THE ENGLISH SCHOOL MA GA ZINE 2022                                                                                     THE ENGLISH SCHOOL MA GA ZINE 2022

                                                                  I never really intended to apply to Oxford. In fact, it was probably
               Simoni Stefanou 4B                               the last University on my mind, until about midway through Year 6. I
                                                                suppose I had associated the university with posh Etonians, and mini
                                                                Boris Johnsons. However, when I finally discovered that I wanted to
                                                                study Spanish and Modern Greek at University, it turned out that
                                                                Oxford was the only UK University to offer the language combination,
                                                                and so I decided to give it a shot. I began writing my personal
                                                                statement in early August, initially in bullet point form. The toughest
              STUDENT                                           part was by far the opening sentence, but if you spend long enough
                                                                on it, you’re bound to end up with something you like. Through
                                                                mentioning how I’d indulged in my subject-area beyond A level,
              SNAPSHOTS                                         through books and plays, I managed to prove my interest in the
                                                                culture and history of my language choices, in turn expressing my
                                                                appreciation for the interdisciplinary nature of the degree too. It
                                                                was impossible for me to mention all my extra-curriculars in the
                                                                statement, so I touched upon those that were most relevant to my
                                                                course. I took a list of any achievements that were not included in
                                                                my personal statement, to my referee, on the day of our meeting.
                                                                The next steps of the application process were the admissions test
                                                                (grammar and translations for me) and the submission of written
                                                                work. I tackled the admissions tests through intense grammar
                                                                revision, and lots of past papers. My best advice to anyone handing
                                                                in written work, is not to leave it to the last minute. Hopefully, you
                                                                will have already written essays that you’re proud of. Each piece of
                                                                written work must be sent in marked, and with a description of the
                                                                conditions in which each essay was written. Finally, I had two online
                                                                interviews in early December. My advice to students thinking of
                                                                applying to Oxford, would be to just go for it. Make sure you pick
                                                                the course that’s right for you and think deeply about why you want
                                                                to study this degree, so that you can convey your passion. Start
                                                                writing your Personal Statement over the Summer, solve lots of past
                                                                papers for the entrance exam (and in the case of languages like me,
                                                                practice grammar too!) When it comes to the interviews, make sure
                                                                you’re ready to talk about things you’ve written in your personal
                                                                statement, and/or the written work you had submitted. The School’s
                                                                Careers Office will be able to share more information about my
                                                                interview with anyone who’s interested.
                                                                Dimitra Asvesta
                                                                Modern Languages (Spanish & Modern Greek)
                                                                University of Oxford

                                                                  As a child, I dreamt of a future in which I would be free to travel
                                                                the world, to broaden my horizons through reading and to express
                                                                myself through my writing. I dreamt of living life to its fullest. I
                                                                imagined myself going to the best schools, challenging my
                I was able to combine all the things I was looking for in the   capabilities and expanding my abilities to become a person with
              Netherlands; an international perspective, safety, and a   values, a person to be admired and respected. Growing up, at times,
              beautiful and inspiring environment. After visiting some of   I found myself losing confidence, wondering if everything in life
              their Universities, I was sure I wanted to study in there. To
                                                                eventually becomes indeterminate. However, my drive to achieve
         careers  through Studielink, and add the 4 Universities you want to go   that young girl’s dream, to study in the US, remained strong, and
              apply for studies in the Netherlands you must first register
                                                                having graduated from one of our country’s elite schools, I am
              to. Universities then contact you directly for additional
                                                                grateful to be able to declare myself an upcoming first year student
              information they may need. This is one of the things I liked
                                                                at Columbia University, New York. If it wasn’t for the help of my
              about the system, there is constant communication through
              email with the universities. This reassured me that everything
                                                                classmates, who helped me reach my fullest potential, I wouldn’t
              was okay with the application. Finally, if you are applying to   teachers and my counsellor, Mr Georgiou, as well as my fellow
                                                                have accomplished my dream. Henceforth, I encourage you too, to
     12       the Netherlands I would suggest looking for accommodation   remain strong, to take care of your mind and body, and to aim as
              as soon as possible!
                                                                high as you wish. With a little extra hard work and a spark of hope,
                                                                dreams do become reality.
              Eleni Artemi
              Economics & Business Economics                    Daniella Adamidou
              Erasmus University Rotterdam Netherlands          Columbia University - USA
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