Page 11 - I have a dream
P. 11


                                                                                             Marielena Kyriacou 4R

         A DREAM

        IS A VISION                                                                     Assistant Head

                                                                                         Maria Rousou

        To have a dream is to have a vision. A goal. A commitment. An objective. A real ideal.
          It has been said that a vision is a mental image of an aspiration. In  resilience and grit that has been practiced for so long and in so many
        this, there needs to be a picture of some kind, very similar to those   ways throughout school life kicks in. The jobs that are coveted today   exams
        that manifest when reading literature: it is a mental image of a setting  may or may not exist in the future. And the dream will change but
        and surrounding, a time and space where a dream materialises.   the actions taken to get there will become second nature. Just as
          It is, even in saying this, not a wish or a work of fiction. It is an   you know enter into a world full of dreams, the inspiration to put in
        investment into action to make meaning and give purpose. Dreams   motion a future will allow for the most interesting of detours and
        are not a fantasy. To fantasise or daydream is to predestine an ideal   divergences.                   09
        outcome in abstraction. A real ideal is to understand that with every   And this means effort. Work, a great deal of work, is involved.
        dream comes action, motion and very real obstacles. The dream   With purpose comes motivation. It becomes a catalyst to action and
        needs to be a complete sense of what is real, what is realistically   when goals are visualised they become more attainable. Effort becomes
        possible given our means and abilities.           less burdensome and practice becomes the habitually normalised.
          To have a dream is to be in a state of motion. It requires practice   This has meant many nights of long hours of study and work.
        and constant work. It requires grit. There will be adversities. There   There the experience and exercise of resilience played out in
        will be the pressure of the constancies of performance. Students   covering gaps, practicing endlessly, persevering to reach a set goal.
        understand this all too well. School seems at times to be a constant   This has meant working through the stress and anxiety of exams
        cycle of tests and assessments all leading to the winner-take-all end   and assessments. There may be a sense of added dread this year
        of year or external exams. These seem to decide one’s fate, seem to  after two years of no external exams. Fear not for all your efforts
        determine if one has achieved their goals, if a dream has come true.   are not defined by this one moment in time but are a constant in a
          But to dream is to adjust. To dream is to envisage a means that   world of dreams, forever moving in directions, plural.
        forces the ability for change. This built-in flexibility is where the
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