Excellence Beyond the Classroom
The English School seeks to provide a wide range of inclusive extra-curricular opportunities which consider the full range of educational needs – from academic support to transferable skills and enrichment.
In year 1, students are guided towards choosing activities by their form tutor, teachers in charge of activities, and other students.  They can join via the start of year sign-up process at the Activities Fair in September and leave / join different activities at different points during the year.
We endeavour to ensure that (wherever possible) activities for Juniors are inclusive and open to all students without audition or try-outs – the only requirement is interest and a willingness to try. As students progress through the school, activities become more challenging, rewarding and diverse. Our most successful activities are those where the senior students coach and mentor the juniors or which are initiated by the students themselves.
At the heart of the activities for Juniors is our afternoon games programme, where students compete in Houses and are offered various sports activities throughout the year.  Members of the PE department offer professional coaching to our school teams, and we are equally proud of our students who train at clubs and national and Olympic levels.
In the creative and performing arts, junior students are given a wealth of opportunities to develop their interests with students from all year groups. Included in this, we have a full music instrumental programme, where students can sign up for 1:1 lessons in all instruments, including some scholarships.

Our students and teachers work together inside and outside of the classroom to provide experiences and memories to last a lifetime. It all starts with their passion and commitment.
Aims and Ethos


  • The extra-curricular programme is an intrinsic part of supporting our School values and vision.
  • Extra-curricular activities are a fundamental aspect of student development, enhancing their capacity to develop interests as well as in new areas unrelated to their academic studies.
  • Students are encouraged to contribute to the school and the wider community as caring, global citizens in the spirit of our School motto “non sibi sed scholae”
  • Extra-curricular activities are inclusive and as such open to all students on an equal opportunities basis.  [subject to age-appropriate restrictions and maximum numbers].
  • Students are strongly encouraged and even expected to participate in at least one after-school activity.


  • The School will provide an ambitious extra-curricular programme which enriches the educational experience and contributes considerably to the personal development of each individual.
  • The School seeks to provide a wide range of opportunities for pupils of all ages and interests to take responsibility, work as part of a team, face new challenges, acquire new skills, and develop physically and creatively.
  • The School will ensure equal opportunities for all students, and in those activities requiring selection will ensure a fair and unbiased process.
  • All students are encouraged to participate in at least one extra-curricular activity and should seek to challenge themselves in new environments and aspire to achieve their full potential
  • Student commitment to the extra-curricular programme will be evaluated and the positive outcomes will be recognised and rewarded.
  • Staff members who contribute to the extra-curricular programme will be evaluated recognised and rewarded as ‘ECA Champions’.
  • The extra-curricular programme is overseen by a committee of ECA Champions and the designated member of the SLT. All proposals, evaluations and reviews will go through this team.
  • Suggestions and proposals for starting new activities should be addressed to the designated SLT member / ECA Committee. Such proposals will be given consideration on a wide number of points and issues before the establishment of new clubs.
  • The School will seek to promote this policy through an active partnership with parents, outside organisations and other stakeholders. The underlying ethos of enhancing the school experience will be maintained at all times.
  • The School is fully compliant with ensuring health and safety, including implementing legislation on Health and Safety; at the same time, it conducts continuous research on the implementation of risk-reduction practices in the school environment, including the ECA sessions.
  • The School is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all, and as such we place safeguarding (the safety and wellbeing of our students) as the top priority.

Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct/Ethics (including Sports/teams)
The school code of conduct applies to all extra-curricular activities. In addition, the following is applicable:
It is the responsibility of the student-athlete/participant to:

  1. Demonstrate self-control and respect for others at all times be they officials, spectators, or other athletes/participants.

  2. Remember that participation in athletics/sports is a privilege that is not to be abused by unsportsmanlike/inappropriate conduct.

  3. Deal with opponents with respect.  Shake hands after the competition and congratulate them on their performance.

  4. Respect the integrity and judgment of the officials.

  5. Remember that improper behavior while in uniform or representing The English School reflects poorly upon yourself, your family, your school, and your community.

  6. Understand and abide by the rules and regulations of the game/event.

  7. Accept victory with grace and defeat with dignity.

    Student Responsibilities - Code of Conduct for Extra-curricular activities

  •     I will be the best that I can be and achieve at my highest level.
  •     I will influence and encourage my peers in all their endeavors and projects.
  •     I will have the courage to take the “right” stand regardless of peer pressure.
  •     I will conduct myself in a manner that contributes to an orderly atmosphere and ensures the rights of all individuals within the school.
  •     I will be considerate and respectful of others.
  •     I will give my best to my academic and extracurricular pursuits.
  •     I will demonstrate care and concern for school property and the property of others.
  •     I will respond appropriately to the direction of faculty and staff at school as well as school activities.
  •     I will be responsible for my attitude and behavior.
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