The Curriculum
The Curriculum is central to Teaching and Learning at The English School. The School aims that the Curriculum will cater to the needs and facilitate the achievement of every student's potential.

In its report in 2019, the ISI commented the following about the Curriculum at The English School:

‘the curriculum supports the school’s aim to promote academic excellence and to maximise an individual’s potential by providing rich and engaging educational experiences and challenges.’

The School largely follows the English National Curriculum. When the students first arrive at the School at the age of twelve, they all follow a common and comprehensive programme of study that includes a diverse range of subjects. This includes English, Greek/Turkish, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Religious Education, Art, Music, Design and Technology, ICT, Drama, Physical Education and the study of one Modern European language. The School offers French, German, and Spanish classes, and students, upon entry, can opt for one language to study. Our students also benefit from a broad PSHCE programme and one afternoon of Games each week.
The Curriculum of years 1-3 is under review, with the first phase being completed in June 2024. The aim has been to rebalance the Curriculum and place greater focus on skills to strengthen progression to the GCSE/IGCSE and AL programs, address students’ changing needs, and improve their readiness for careers, work, and life.

As students progress through the School, they are encouraged to make more choices for their subjects. In Year 4, students begin a programme of nine GCSE/IGCSE courses; all students study First Language English language, English Literature, Maths and Greek/ Turkish, all of which are compulsory. However, beyond that, students are free to choose another five subjects, the restriction being that at least one elective must be Humanity, one must be Science, and one must be selected from another category of subjects, including Modern Languages, ICT, Design and Technology. The School offers 23 subjects overall at GCSE/IGCSE. Students continue their study of PSHCE and participate in afternoon Games.

In Year 6, students move on to start their AL courses, most of which are modular, as the School recently moved from the Linear ALs to the International ALs. Students also continue their studies of either Greek or Turkish at AL, which began in year 5, and take the external examination at the end of year 6. In Year 6, our students study 4 subjects to IAS level, and most will typically study three ALs, with a smaller group opting for four AL subjects in Year 7. Afternoon Games are compulsory up to Year 3, while students will continue their studies on PSHCE issues. The PSHCE program has recently been reviewed, with emphasis placed on Relationships and Sex education (RSE) as per Cyprus Law. Topics from the Financial Literacy course offered by the University of Cyprus have also been included.

The School offers an excellent and diverse range of subjects at all levels, all taught by specialist staff. Many of our teachers hold the PGCE qualification, and many others have years of teaching experience. The school’s robust annual programme of staff development supports our staff in their professional development. This programme is based on our belief that we can all constantly improve our practices and, thus, significantly impact our students’ performance.

To enhance the formal Curriculum, we offer a wide variety of co-curricular activities for all year groups. These activities allow our students to enjoy and develop their existing interests and passions and discover new ideas, perspectives, and skills, which will broaden their horizons.
The Maths Curriculum
The School offers a robust maths curriculum for all years. In years 1-3, Maths courses closely follow the National Curriculum. The delivery is based on a pedagogy that encourages active learning, collaborative work and the development of critical thinking, communication, collaboration and problem-solving skills. In Years 3 and 4, students study  IGCSE Maths and sit the external examination at the end of year 4. In Year 5, students are offered the P1 course from IAS maths and the AQA qualification, which is sat at the end of the year.

In Upper School, students complete the IAS maths specification in Year 6 and then continue to complete the IAL in Year 7. Some students opt for Double Maths, and for completion, extra hours in the morning and afternoon are offered to ensure timely delivery and past paper practice for success.

The Mathematics Enrichment Program
At The English School, the Mathematics Department continually endeavours to foster an environment that supports and empowers our students to excel, pushing the boundaries of their mathematical abilities.
The Mathematics Enrichment Program, run by Mr Andreas Demetriou, is not related to the school curriculum but focuses on problem-solving skills and theorems that enhance the performance of students participating in National and European Mathematics competitions.
Entry Criteria in the Year 1 Maths Enrichment Program:
90% or above in the English School Maths Entrance examination
or, 80% or above in the English School Maths Entrance examination and an award in the District Maths Competition or the Maths Olympiad in Year 6 of primary school. 
Additional Opportunities to enter the Maths Enrichment Program:
Students who are not selected based on the above criteria to attend the Mathematics Enrichment Program but are successful in the Maths District competition in November will then be invited to participate in the school’s Maths Enrichment Program.  
All students attending the Maths Enrichment Program are committed to participating in the CMS competitions and the school’s Mathletes club. The Mathlete Club offers an exceptional opportunity for our students to extend their mathematical horizons beyond the boundaries of the school curriculum. Through this club, we provide additional support and targeted practice that empowers our students to excel in math competitions.
The impact of the program is evidenced by our students’ success in national competitions. The school has achieved outstanding results, with 33 of our students being awarded in competitions in 2023-2024. By comparison, the second-highest-ranking school in Cyprus had 16 students awarded.

Our enrichment program and Mathletes Club, offered in years 1, 2, and 4, have demonstrated remarkable success rates of 25%, 17%, and 17%, respectively.
These results highlight the importance and effectiveness of our enrichment program in fostering mathematical excellence among our students.


The Apolytirion
The Apolytirion is a certificate of a student’s academic achievement in Year 7 stamped by the Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Education. Many universities and courses accept it as a discrete qualification. Last academic year, about 70% of our students received at least one university offer that included the Cyprus Apolytirion.
Students receive their Apolytirion at graduation. The Apolytirion is marked out of 20 and is issued just before graduation. The basic requirements for the Apolytirion include at least 3 GCE subjects studied and completed at school in Year 7. Completed means students must attend all classes until the end of the year, complete all assessments and sit the appropriate external examination, i.e. the specification taught in school. A subject or specification not taught by the school cannot be included in their Ministry-endorsed Apolytirion.

The Apolytirion also includes participation, completion and assessment of the PSHCE course in year 7.

Finally, the Apolytirion includes students’ overall attendance percentage in Year 7.

Collection of the Apolytirion is planned one to two days before the Graduation Ceremony, and students are asked to come in to collect and sign their Apolytirion certificate. If a student does not collect the certificate at this time, we will email you regarding alternative collection days. N.B. Due to school holidays, certificates will not be available throughout the summer.

It is important to note that the Ministry of Education will only endorse one Apolytirion document per student. Should a student misplace or lose his/her Apolytirion, a replacement document can be produced, but it will be known as a Certificate of Graduation.
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