Common Assessment Tool

Parents can view the CA schedule using the below link:
Students can see their individual schedules by following the following steps:
To view your CA Schedule follow the steps below:
3.Click on the CA Tool
4.Enter login credentials which are exactly the same as entering computers at the school.  This should be the same for their email account.
Eg. Login: s151094
and password: <>

Click on the “Common Assessment” link from the left-hand panel

Missing a Common Assessment (CA)
The following students have the opportunity to sit a missed CA if they meet any of the criteria below:
  1. Students who have tested positive for COVID-19
  2. Students who were away on a school-approved trip
  3. Students who were away for University interviews
  4. Students who were required to take University Entrance Exams
  5. Students who were approved to participate in Sporting or Musical events
  6. Students who have not completed the minimum number of CAs as indicated below:
  • For Middle and Upper School: Students must have at least two CAs in all of their subject(s) (excluding Greek and Turkish in Year 6)
  • For Lower School: Students must have at least 2 CAs in (a) Core subjects, (b) Science and (c) Modern Languages and at least one CA in other subjects
Students that miss a common assessment do not have the opportunity to sit the CA at another time, unless they fall in one of the categories listed above.
Students who do not take the CA will be given the CA as a take-home test, and the teacher will mark and return the script back with feedback so the student can assess their knowledge and move forward with planning their work. A missed CA will not count towards the term grade in progress reports.
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