Aims for the Students

At all levels in the school the aims of the Department are:
  • To stimulate an interest and enthusiasm for Chemistry.
  • To ensure they are suitably prepared to embark upon further studies in Chemistry.
  • To enable pupils to understand the distinctive language, methodology and concepts of Chemistry.
  • To provide every opportunity for the students to develop and achieve their maximum potential both as chemists and scientists and to enable them to develop an inquisitive and investigatory approach. 
  • To instil an appreciation of the importance of Chemistry in the world around us and a balanced view of chemicals and Chemistry in our society.

The additional pedagogic aims of the Department are:
  • To encourage a reasoned approach to problem solving.
  • To teach and encourage sound practical skills (including laboratory safety).
  • To teach and encourage good study skills and working habits (including clearing up after lessons, especially after practicals).
  • To prepare pupils thoroughly for public examinations.
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