Modern Languages at The English School

  • French is studied as a compulsory subject in the Second and Third Forms, where all pupils acquire an understanding of the written and spoken language as well as an insight into French life and culture. By the end of the second year, pupils are able to understand basic written and spoken French and communicate through role-plays.
  • In the Fourth Form, pupils have the opportunity to choose French as an option for IGCSE. In the two years leading to the examination, equal emphasis is placed on developing the four skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. The success rate at IGCSE French has traditionally been very high with 100% reaching grades A-C, and the great majority of pupils achieving an A or A*.
  • French is also a popular option in the Sixth Form where pupils develop their linguistic skills and undertake independent research into all matters of cultural and current interest in France. Emphasis is placed on oral fluency as well as grammatical accuracy and pupils are given every opportunity to form informed personal opinions on matters of global and individual interest. The pass rate at AS has been excellent since its introduction in 2000 with an overwhelming majority reaching grades A-C.
  • The new A Level course is proving to be a popular examination and more pupils now opt for French in their final year at the school, finding it very challenging and rewarding. It is also highly regarded by top English universities, as it offers a contrast with scientific subjects as well as a useful tool for the students' future careers.

  • Spanish is offered as a second Foreign Language at IGCSE level. It is currently an important EU language but it is also a very widely spoken language globally. Students opting for Spanish in the fourth form start the course as beginners and gradually develop the four skills (Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing) leading to the IGCSE examination which they take at the end of the fifth form.
  • At the end of the 5th year a trip to Spain is organized by the department where the students have the opportunity to practice their skills, meet local and international students and get close to the Spanish culture.
  • Spanish A' level is also offered to students and rewards advanced level Spanish language skills and knowledge through appealing content and given opportunities to gain greater understanding of other cultures. It will prepare students to become well-informed and effective communicators.

German is now offered as a third Foreign Language at IGCSE level, it being another important EU language. Students opting for German in the fourth form start the course as beginners and gradually develop the four skills (Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing) leading to the IGCSE examination which they take at the end of the fifth form.
Note:Students may combine up to two languages for their option choices: either one of the three languages alone or a combination of two.
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