What We Do

The English School has always been concerned about the personal and social development of its students, whether or not it has used the terms pastoral care or pastoral curriculum.
With the development of the Pastoral System, we have brought all the things we do into a clear structure with specific goals and aims. We have been successful in making ourselves more available to all students. We offer academic and personal monitoring on a one-to-one basis in order to enhance both academic achievements and the development of personal and life skills.

Here is a brief list of what is done to ensure that our goals and aims are achieved:

Induction of new students

On Induction Days, new students are welcomed to the school by members of the Senior Leadership Team, the Pastoral Team, the Games and Music Departments as well by a group of students. Some students act as guides and/or mentors to our new students. A lot of useful information is given to the new students, which aims at making their first few weeks at The English School as smooth as possible. Each new student in year 2 and above is paired with a peer mentor who supports the new student for the first weeks at school.

Team building and integration activities, on and off campus

A great opportunity for junior students to work in teams and have fun with classmates and members of the Pastoral Team. The various activities strengthen social skills and train students to follow instructions as well as to use their imagination.


Assisting Students to Work Efficiently and Effectively for Exams

Senior students are provided with guidance and supporting through documents addressed to students a few weeks before the Mock Exams. Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 are given extra support through two documents, one before and one after the Easter Holidays. This encourages students to be responsible for their learning and revision plans in a proactive way. The guidance includes advice on issues such as self-evaluation, fighting stress and exam preparation techniques.

Supporting and Monitoring Individual students

One of the Pastoral Team's main responsibilities is to support and monitor students with difficulties in areas such as study skills or motivation, or those who have been through difficult circumstances or who are simply experiencing difficulties personally or emotionally. Under-achieving students are encouraged to set targets and work towards them. This is time-consuming but very productive. The Academic and Pastoral Programme of the school work together: colleagues feed each other with relevant information on individual students, thus enhancing the monitoring of both personal and academic development.

Form Tutor Time

Form Tutor time is once a week. During this time various activities take place, often based on the theme of the week which support students' personal development, supporting the PSHE programme (see below). Issues covered include decision making skills, tackling racism, and monitoring their own progress. Students get to know their form tutor better; the form tutor is the student's first point of contact with the pastoral team when support is required.

These are usually led by members of the Leadership Team or the Pastoral team or by outside professional.

 PSHE (Personal, Social and Health and Education)

Rapid changes currently taking place in society, as well as new technologies,  are providing new opportunities for our young people. At the same time, there is fierce competition and new expectations regarding their personal autonomy. We need to prepare our students for the challenges they will be facing, which cannot always be predicted. For this reason, young people need to be motivated to develop life skills that will equip them to face the future with confidence. The future will need thinkers and people who are life long learners. Young adults also need to be prepared to cope with unforeseen health issues.  PSHE helps students to lead confident and responsible lives as individuals and members of society.  Through learning strategies in lesson time and a wide range of activities across and beyond the curriculum, students gain practical knowledge and skills to help them live healthily and deal with the moral, social and cultural issues they face as they approach adulthood.  A variety of PSHE topics are delivered by outside professionals.
PSHE gives students opportunities to reflect on their own experiences and develop an awareness of their own strengths, weaknesses and aptitudes and the needs of others. It helps them to understand and manage a wider range of relationships as they mature, to show respect for the differences between people; to develop personal wellbeing and self-esteem: It encourages them to believe in their abilities; It enables them to take responsibility for their learning and future choice of courses and career. As students gain confidence in themselves, they develop an ability to express their own reasoned opinions and acquire decision-making skills. They become autonomous citizens of Cyprus, Europe and the world beyond.
A particular focus of our PSHE programme at the English School is encouraging tolerance in diversity, that is, tolerance of difference whether it concerns race, religion, gender or a person's physical or intellectual abilities. We strive to recognise students' individuality, the plurality of the school population but also encourage their sense of belonging to the whole English School community.

Our PSHCE programme includes presentations or workshops, led by outside professionals.

Examples of PSHCE topics:
  • Tolerance and respect for diversity
  • Fighting bullying, racism and discrimination
  • Relationship and Sex Education
  • Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Male health issues
  • Smoking
  • Empowering young people (in co-operation with ΚΕΝΘΕΑ)
  • Healthy Eating
  • EU issues
  • Road Safety
  • Dental Care

Pastoral Evenings and parental contact

During pastoral evenings the Head Teacher and the Pastoral Team strengthen the school-home partnership.  We also work with parents when monitoring individual students who are receiving extra support from the pastoral team. Parents are vital members of the support team for their children. Students spend a large proportion of their time at home. What goes on there can have enormous influences on a student's attitude and performance at school.

Student Participation in various events and activities

Our students participate in the School Council, in the Advisory Councils, in the Common Room Committee, in organizing Junior activities, charity activities. They participate in parades in commemorations, in representing the school outside the school and outside the country (e.g. Model United Nations, Debating Competitions, Workshops). In the huge variety of clubs, societies and activities, students of The English School are provided with an enormous range of opportunities to develop socially and personally. Through these, they also improve the use of their initiative and develop their sense of responsibility.
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