Founders Day Prize Criteria

Economics and Business Studies Department
The Department offers yearly Academic Prizes to the students with the best Economics and Business Studies results. These prizes are normally presented on Founders Day. There are 12 Prizes overall that can be distributed to students within the Department from years 4 to 6.
The Criteria for distributing prizes are mainly based on public examination results.

Year 6:  AS Economics and AS Business Studies
The Department will offer Academic Prizes to the students with the highest marks in the AS Exams. Since raw marks for public examinations are available from Examining Boards this is an objective and transparent policy for awarding prizes.

Year 5:  Economics Students
Prizes would be awarded to the students with the highest grade in the IGCSE exam together
 with the highest marks for the Mock Exams sat in March of the same year.

Year 4:  Economics students
The decision will mainly be based on the results of the End of Year Exams as well as consideration of students’ overall performance in tests sat throughout the year. Since these students do not sit public exams, it was thought that this would be the most objective criteria.
Four Specialist Prizes
One Specialist Prize is awarded to the student in Year 7 that produces the best Essay in an Economics Essay Competition organized by the Department.
This Prize is called the Demetriou Prize.
Another specialist prize is the Christakis Loizou Prize, awarded to the best student in Business Studies. This will be presented to the student who scores the highest mark in the AS Business Studies exam at Founder’s Day.
A third prize is the Marios Christou Prize, awarded to the student in A2 Economics and will be presented to the student with the highest mark in the A2 Economics exam at the end of year leavers’ ceremony.
Finally, the Marios Christou Prize is awarded to the best student in AS Economics and will be presented to the student who scores the highest mark in the AS Economics exam at Founder’s Day.
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