Monitoring Pupils' Progress

(i) Homework

 Homework is an important element of the school curriculum. It helps pupils to learn and consolidate work and it helps teachers to monitor pupils' progress.
Types of work set may include:
Questions testing knowledge & understanding
Past paper questions
Essay questions
Library, newspaper, magazine, internet research
Project work
Poster preparation
Planning of practical investigations
Experimental write-ups
Revision for tests

(ii) Tests

 For all years, a test is given at the end of each major topic.
In Year 5, topic tests alternate with revision tests in which Year 4 material is being tested. In this way, revision for Year 4 syllabus is achieved by the end of the Autumn Term.
The mark allocation to specific questions in tests is given and the overall mark is normally a round number e.g.50 or 100.
All tests are filed in the staff-room and can be used for reference during the preparation of end-of-year exams or future tests.
Tests are marked as soon as possible and given back to pupils at the earliest possible opportunity.
A thorough discussion, with model answers communicated to pupils is very important, as tests are valuable revision tools for the end-of-year exam.
Test marks are recorded in the Mark Book.

(iii) Internal Exams

Years 1-3 (Lower School Science) and Year 4 Biology are examined in June on all the year's work.
Years 5, 6 and 7 take their Mock Exams at the beginning of March.
The papers are marked using an agreed mark scheme and every effort is made to ensure that no errors occur on marking or in the adding up of marks.
Examination scripts are returned to the pupils and discussed with them in detail.
Setting of exams is shared by the staff as allocated by the Head of Department.
The teacher setting the exam is responsible for the contents of the exam (covering the syllabus as much as possible, following the agreed format, avoiding, as far as possible, questions used in tests - this can be achieved by checking the test files); for organising the photocopying via the office; for distributing copies after the exam to staff concerned and to the technical staff for filing.
All teachers involved in teaching the Year Group take part in a meeting to prepare the model answers and a common mark scheme.
Teachers are responsible for marking the papers of their classes.

(iv) External Exams

IGCSE (Edexcel, 4325 and 4BI0).The new spesification will be taken for the first time in June 2011. 
A-Level (Edexcel International London Examinations)
Year 6 pupils follow the AS syllabus 8BI01. This consists of three Units and it was first taken in June 2009.
Year 7 pupils follow the A2 syllabus 9BI01 which also consists of three Units (It will be taken for the first time in June 2010).
AS and A2 pupils take the Written Alternative Paper practical Exam in Units 3 and 6 respectively.
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