Room & Departmental Suite


The geography room and its departmental suite are located in the main school building at room 14. It is a large spacious room and can accommodate well over 30 students. It is one of the few air conditioned teaching rooms in the school. The departmental suite is a nice working base for the teachers with individual desks, computers, library, fieldwork equipment, maps and all other teaching resources available It is one of the best equipped rooms with the following over 20 online computers, interactive whiteboard, TVs ,video players, a range of printers, printers, OHPs and multimedia projectors. We also have exclusive use of a smaller dedicated room.


The thinking behind the timetabling of the Geography room is dictated by the fact that there is currently only one dedicated specialist room.
The department tries to maximize the use of the Geography  room and  distribute the use of the room and its facilities as fairly as possible between classes.
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